April 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th April 2018 at the Methodist Church Hall.
Allotment tenants concerned, as the wording on the renewal notice mentioned an allotment committee. Clerk confirmed poor wording as this was relating to the original Allotment Society. Allotment tenant advised this has now disbanded. Advised some tenants did not have copy of rules. Clerk to forward.
Mr Webster concerned the water butts are being moved for a fourth time at considerable cost to the Parish Council. Why can a water main not be installed? It was also a waste, after the unused allotments had been sprayed; a local resident ploughed the area, not giving time for the spray to take effect. Coun Chapman advised that whilst this was unfortunate, the resident thought he was doing the Council a favour by keeping them clean.
Bicker buds had been advised by Boston Borough Council that they were no longer entitled to free signs for the brown bins, requesting if Parish Council can purchase in the future. Mr Chapman offered Arc Services to purchase.
The broken sign, at the Red Lion, had been replaced with a new style sign in a different position. Can the old sign be reinstated please? Council agreed it should be. Gauntlet Road sign also requires attention; Mr Webster prepared to do this also.
Mrs Webster very disappointed that the January minutes had been approved with an incorrect statement. On Planning whilst Coun Chapman declared an interest when discussing demolition of Sycamore House, he did not leave the meeting as the minutes stated.
Similarly aggrieved that the Council had approved amended residential development plans in Milkinghill Lane, but had objected to Sycamore House development. There seemed to be no consistency in decisions with similar applications. Coun Chapman left the meeting. Coun Pell was aware that approving Milkinghill Lane could be construed as favouring the applicant. Chair and Coun Benjamin advised that Sycamore development was considerably denser than that in Milkinghill Lane. The Council had objected the original Milkinghill Lane for overdevelopment and the revised application had reduced numbers so had complied with the Council wishes.
The five potential applications for development had all been objected for over development and non-sustainability. The Parish Council are concerned that if sustainability is to be the main concern, would there be any further development in Bicker? Clerk to speak with planning for advice on this.
Complaints again regarding the drains in the village which are not adequate, Rookery Road is regularly flooded and yet Anglian Water still have no objections to proposed developments, placing more strain on the drains.
Coun Chapman returned to the meeting.
Present Cllr Barnes
Cllr Adshead
Cllr Benjamin
Cllr Chapman
Cllr Kelly
Cllr Pell
Borough Cllr Cooper
County Councillor Brookes
& 7 members of the public.
32 APOLOGIES - were received and accepted from Coun Carrott.
34 NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun Kelly seconded Coun Pell.
Moles in cemetery and on A52 £650 per annum for cemetery £250 for A52 includes initial clearance of infestation and monthly inspections. Agenda item next meeting.
Village Sign -The Village Sign people designed and made the sign for Pinchbeck. Clerk has sent copy of existing sign and a few points of village they will design make and deliver for £3950. Clerk to try for another quote and if any grants are available.
There was to be another Liaison meeting but it had been cancelled and will be rearranged.
Viking Link held up at present awaiting approval from Secretary of State.
A local farmer showing an interest in the 15 unused allotment but was concerned regarding access, which would have to be at the far East of the site. Clerk to have a chat.
39 FINANCE REPORT – To discuss donation towards Clerk laptop and to Approve Financial Year End Statement
Financial accounts circulated. Surplus of £2653 in year but Council are aware streetlights could easily effect future spending. Statement of Governance and Accountability and accounts approved, proposed Coun Chapman, seconded Coun Kelly.
Clerk had required a replacement laptop and requested if the Parish Council would make a contribution. Although Council are holding a grant for I.T. equipment, seemed sensible not to use for a separate lap top for Bicker whilst clerk was still clerking two parish councils. Donington had donated £100 and it was proposed Coun Chapman, seconded Coun Kelly that Bicker also donate £100.
Approve payments BSIDB £36.92
Prop Coun Chapman seconded Coun Pell
The Appeal for the development off St Swithins is 2nd May, could be helpful for the future if Council could attend.
Coun Pell – cemetery left hand gate had dropped and was difficult to open.
CPRE – Best Kept Village competition, Council to enter this year? Member of public stated it was not worth trying, particularly with the poor state of the fencing throughout the village.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 10th May 2018 AGM
Meeting closed at 8.40p.m.