January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th January 2019 at the Methodist Church Hall.


Mr Webster asking what progress had been made on free notice boards on playing field fencing in Lowgate Lane. Clerk and Council had no recollection of that location but permission had been sort to place one on the garages in Drury Lane.

Bicker Buds are wanting to apply for funding from Triton Knoll for machinery and a lasting legacy for the village, but need to know what Parish Council are to apply for.

Clerk confirmed, she and Coun Benjamin are to meet with Sue Fortune from the Community Foundation the following week to discuss proposed applications.

Council Chapman put suggestion of seating for the village, something missing that Parish Council had not been able to finance.

Mrs Webster advised notice board still damp, had been cleaned but not prepared to clean again due to mould spores.

Commented again on planning application comments. Coun Brookes had passed to Coun Cooper who confirmed if comments received, there were put on website albeit up to 7 days after reporting.

Mr De Benedictis apologised for the state of the grass verge which was due to his contractor. It will be re-seeded in the spring. He does however have a problem with cars being parked inconsiderately, totally on the grassed area. Signs in situ requesting not to park on grass to no avail. Has asked at Ye Olde Red Lion but they cannot police. Coun Brookes to speak with Highways and clerk to also write.

Present Cllr Barnes
Cllr Adshead
Cllr Benjamin
Cllr Carrott
Cllr Chapman
Cllr Kelly
Cllr Pell

Borough Cllr Cooper
County Councillor Brookes
& 4 members of the public.

1/19 – APOLOGIES - none

2/19 - POLICE REPORT – no report

3/19 - NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes.

Proposed Coun Pell seconded Coun Kelly.


Application submitted for Road Safety Partnership speed signs

Contacted North Sea Camp regarding volunteer workers, no reply received. Jenny Moore from BBC to forward clerk details of Community Engagement Officer and Payback and Youth Offending Officer.

Meeting arranged with Sue Fortune with regard grant applications from Triton Knoll.

5/9 - SUBSTATION UPDATE nothing to report


Cllrs Barnes, Carrott and Chapman declared an interest being Trustees to the Charity that own the land. No news from Charity. Water butt not yet moved. Clerk to speak with Ms Sayer as Coun Chapman thought the last comment was they would be prepared to move it.

7/9 - FINANCE REPORT - £24276.51

Approve Council payments as per schedule

Prop Coun Chapman seconded Coun Benjamin


Coun Chapman, chair of Finance Committee presented proposed figures, reiterating that Boston Borough Council passing on lighting costs last year had put a significant strain on finance, although the working capital was in line with last year’s proposals. 2018 precept increased by £2,000 but cost of electricity and maintenance for lights was £3800, so at a minimum an increase of £1800 was suggested. Concerns were voiced as to whether it should not be increased to offer a further cushion of expenditure, bearing in mind, BBC may cap precepts in 2020. Following discussions, proposed Coun Carrott, seconded Coun Kelly to increase precept by £3,000. 6 in favour. Increasing burial fees would bring in further income. Not increased for over 2 years, clerk to obtain comparisons from local parishes and agenda item for February.

8/9 – PLANNING – nothing this month


Coun Carrott flooding still on Mill Lane- clerk to send photo’s and report again to Highways via Coun Brookes who is meeting them next week.

Clerk to also report flooding in Red Lion Street again.


Michelle Sacks, Monitoring officer BBC. It had been brought to her attention that Bicker Parish Council do not have ‘To Receive Any Declarations of Interest’ as an agenda item.

Explained that if there are any they are expressed at the point of discussion. Strongly recommended that it should be an agenda item.

Questioned openness of electronic replies to clerk on planning applications, for collating and submission. Clerk proposed to return to discussing all applications at meeting.

Various other small points raised in that although Bicker Parish Council is working within the letter of the law, documentation could be more readily accessible.

Clerk would therefore, bearing also in mind that there may be new members around the table in May, that Standing Orders and other policies i.e. grievance/complaints etc be revised and amended if necessary. To work towards this over the next three months before elections.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 14th February 2019

Meeting closed at 8 p.m.